
Wordfence: You are temporarily locked out

If users are seeing a page reporting that they are temporarily locked out, and the page contains a Wordfence logo, they have probably been blocked by our brute-force protection rules in Wordfence.

This appears to be potentially a compoundable problem if multiple users may try to access the site from the same IP, so even if each of them does not individually exceed the brute-force rule limitations, there is the possibility that, as a group from the same IP, WordFence may view them as having broken it, and block them.


  1. Login to the website
  2. From the Wordfence sidebar menu, select Firewall and then select the Blocking tab.
  3. Review the current blocks for the site, and determine which ones are affecting the users you want to log in to the site.
  4. Place checkmarks next to those blocks, and then click the Unblock button

Future Proofing

  • Consider whitelisting IPs or ranges in Wordfence > All Options > Firewall Options > Advanced Firewall Options
  • Consider adjusting brute-force blocking rule settings in Wordfence > All Options > Firewall Options > Brute Force Protection

By bo.

I'm @boyEatsSteak in a lot of places. I have been wanting 🍕 for weeks. I like gadgets and technology and keeping notes and tips for my future self since all I can remember is that I forget things.