
Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 Errors


Derived the following instructions from this page.

When you get that seemingly unhelpful “Sorry, something went wrong” (#sorrynotsorry) error, here is (what I’ve found) is the best way to proceed.

  1. Log in to any of the FE or App server’s in the farm.
  2. Open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell (as admin should not be required)
  3. Run the following command, substituting the Correlation ID from your error page (and adjusting the error log path if desired) Merge-SPLogFile -Path “.\Desktop\error.log” -Correlation “1234567a-b890-12b3-4567-89c0123def4g”
  4. If not already installed, download the the ULS viewer to view the log file in a much friendlier interface.
  5. Open the ULS viewer, and open the log file.

Hopefully once you are in the log, you can quickly see what the most significant errors are, and can have some better direction for how to resolve it, or if nothing else, what to Google.

By bo.

I'm @boyEatsSteak in a lot of places. I have been wanting 🍕 for weeks. I like gadgets and technology and keeping notes and tips for my future self since all I can remember is that I forget things.